Constantly changing ruins, cold desert, glow of fragments. Labyrinth of houses and walls, empty windows. Exhaustion and hopelessness leads to detachment from the slavery of hierarchical structures. The long march through empty halls and courtyards brings slow technological progress. At this time, several groups are disconnecting from the army, including t 下降 Veils group.
The conflict between the army and the gerîla led deeper into the Ruins. The monotonous tangle of buildings was replaced by a sprawling landscape with unstable space hiding long corridors full of artifacts and columns. Despite the significant technological evolution of the anti-army groups, the army couldn’t be defeated, but the system spearheaded by 下降Veil and her comrades shows that a better world is possible.
What kind of life is too long?
MIX: https://soundcloud.com/fallingveil/raining-concrete-set